Tutorial: How to Enable Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop Multiple Users

There are two ways to enable Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop multiple users. One is to use RDP Wrapper, and another is to modify the Termsrv.dll file. No matter which way you adapt, it’s recommended that you utilize both of them only in a test environment.


By Ellie / Updated on December 13, 2024

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Can multiple users use Remote Desktop at the same time Windows 10/11?


To connect with my coworkers and work together on projects, I frequently utilize Remote Desktop on my Windows 10 Pro, but I soon discovered that only one user could be accessed at once. So I wonder can multiple users Remote Desktop at the same time?”

- Question from Quora

multiple rdp on windows

Unfortunately, Windows 10 and 11 Pro don't support simultaneous remote desktop connections from multiple users. The Windows client operating system, like Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7, differs from Windows Server in its support for multiple simultaneous users. While Windows Server allows concurrent usage, the client versions are designed for single-user multi-access, meaning only one user can operate the computer at a time. This is underscored by the reliance on single input/output devices such as mouse, keyboard, and display units.

Although some tech enthusiasts may propose using a remote desktop connection (RDC), it's important to note that on Windows 10 and other versions, initiating an RDC session will remotely log out of the host computer as you log into the remote one.

Tricks on enabling Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop multiple users

While simultaneous usage by multiple users isn't natively supported on Windows 10 Pro, there are workaround methods available: using the RDP Wrapper or modifying the termsrv.dll file.

It's essential to understand that employing these workarounds may pose risks to your device's stability and security. Therefore, it's advisable to utilize them solely in a controlled test environment, as we cannot assume responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from their use.

Enable Windows 10/11 Pro Remote Desktop multiple users: 2 ways

Follow the stepwise tutorial below to enable Windows 10/11 Pro Remote Desktop multiple users by using the RDP Wrapper or modifying the termsrv.dll file. 

Way 1. Use RDP Wrapper to allow multiple uses on RDP

Users can create several concurrent RDP sessions on Windows 10/11 Pro by using RDP Wrapper Library, an open-source project on GitHub that sits between Service Control Manager (SCM) and Remote Desktop Services. It will continue to function even if Windows updates the termsrv.dll file or installs monthly updates.

Note: Make sure you are using the original, unpatched version of the termsrv.dll file before installing RDP Wrapper Library.

Step 1. Download the latest available version of the RDP Wrapper Library from GitHub.

rdp wrapper library

Step 2. Extract the RDPWrap-v1.6.2.zip archive and then you can find the following files:

  • RDPWinst.exe(RDP Wrapper Library installation/uninstallation program).
  • RDPConf.exe(RDP Wrapper configuration utility).
  • RDPCheck.exe(Local RDP Checker and RDP check utility).
  • install.bat, uninstall.bat, update.bat(batch files for install, uninstall, and updates for RDP Wrapper).

rdp wrapper archive

Step 3. Find and right-click the install bat, and select Run as administrator to install RDPWrap.

run as administrator

Step 4. The program will be installed to the C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper directly, once the installation is complete, you can see the successfully installed information as below.

rdp wrapper directory

Step 5. Open the RDPConfig.exe to check whether the RDP Wrapper is running, and make sure all elements are green in the Diagnostics section.

rdp wrapper configuration

Note: Most likely, immediately after installation, the tool will show that the RDP wrapper is running (Installed, Running, Listening), but not working, which is reported by the red warning [not supported].

not supported wrapper

Step 6. Copy and paste the contents of the following page to the C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.ini file.

  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sebaxakerhtc/rdpwrap.ini/master/rdpwrap.ini

download rdp wrap

Step 7. Restart your computer. Run the RDPConfig.exe tool to check all the items are green in the Diagnostics section and the caption [fully supported] appears.

rdp wrapper configuration fully supported

Step 8. Run the RDPCheck.exe and try to establish multiple RDP sessions on Windows 10/11 Pro. 

multiple remote connections wrapper

Bonus tip: How to fix the RDP Wrapper not working

Occasionally, you might encounter a notification indicating that the RDP Wrapper is running but not working as expected. This occurrence is quite common, so there's no need for alarm. Typically, it signifies either an unsupported Windows version or an incorrect configuration of the RDP Wrapper.

To troubleshoot the issue, follow these instructions:

Step 1. Confirm that you've downloaded the RDWrap version compatible with your Windows version.

Step 2. Verify that your RDPWrap configuration file corresponds to the version of termsv.dll in your Windows folder. If they don't match, obtain a suitable RDPWRAP.ini file.

Step 3. If your system recently updated and replaced the termsrv.dll file with a new version, you have two options: either locate a termsrv.dll file online that supports the current RDWrap version or download an RDPWRAP.ini file that matches your system version.

Download RDP Wrapper

Step 4. Restart your PC to apply the changes. Then, run RDPconfig.exe to see if the issue is resolved. You should observe the [fully supported] indication.

Way 2. Modify termsrv.dll file to enable multiple users on RDP

To eliminate the limitation on the number of concurrent users, you can replace the original "termsrv.dll" file on your Windows 10/11 Pro. Follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1. To launch the Services management interface, press Win + R and enter “services.msc”. Find and right-click Remote Desktop Services in the context menu and then click Stop.

stop remote desktop services

Step 2. We recommend you to open Command Prompt as administrator and enter the following command to back up the original termsrv.dll file.

copy c:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll termsrv.dll_old

backup original termsrv_dll

Step 3. Change the values of the following keys in HKLM> System> CurrentControlSet> Control> Terminal Server:

  • fDenyTSConnections (DWORD) — 0
  • fSingleSessionPerUser (DWORD) — 0

multiple users registry

You can also do it quickly by entering the following two command lines in the Command Prompt:

  • REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  • REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fSingleSessionPerUser /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Step 4. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32 to find and right-click the termsrv.dll file, and then select Properties.

termsrv_dll properties

Step 5. Click Change to change the file owner from “TrustedInstaller” to a local administrators group.

give full control to administrator

Step 6. Click Edit on the Security tab. Select the local administrators group and give it Full control over this file and then click OK.

full access termsrv_dll

Step 7. Copy the termsrv.dll file from the archive downloaded before operations and replace it with the original one in %SystemRoot%\System32\.

termsrc_dll patched

Step 8. Open the Services management console again to start the Remote Desktop Services. And now you can establish two multiple RDP sessions.

win8 multiple rdp sessions

Notes: Anti-viruses do not respond to the method of replacing the termsrv.dll file, while RDP Wrapper is detected by many anti-viruses as Malware, HackTool, or Trojan. But you have to manually edit the termsrv.dll file each time you upgrade your Windows build.

RDP alternative: Easily connect to multiple remote desktops

Given that the previously mentioned methods may lack sufficient security for personal use, we suggest opting for AnyViewer, a free remote desktop tool. AnyViewer serves as a professional remote access software, providing a secure and user-friendly means to manage multiple remote sessions concurrently.

Easier to enable multiple connections. AnyViewer supports multiple connections natively. Multiple users can connect to and view/control the same remote computer or one user can connect to remote computers simultaneously without the use of any additional tools
Rich additional features. AnyViewer provides various in-session features such as text chat, screen wall, mobile screen mirror, privacy mode, and more.
Wider compatibility with Windows. AnyViewer allows users to connect to Windows 10/11 Standard and Home editions, a capability not supported by Remote Desktop.

Download and install AnyViewer on all your Windows Pro devices and let’s get started.

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Secure Download

Step 1. On the host Windows 10 Pro PC, go to Log in and click Sign up to create a new AnyViewer account (log in directly if you have already signed up.)

log in anyviewer

Step 2. Upon successful login to AnyViewer, the devices are automatically assigned to the account with which you've logged in.

free editions

Step 3. On the client's Windows 10 Pro PC, log in to the same account. Go to Device on the left pane, then you can simultaneously gain unattended remote access to the devices by selecting the one you want to connect to and clicking One-click control.

connect to my devices

Step 4.  Select the other Pro computer you want to control and click  One-click control again. When controlling multiple devices, you can click the tab to switch remote sessions from one to another.

Remotely Access Multiple Computers

For concurrent monitoring and control of a large number of remote devices, it's advisable to utilize AnyViewer's Screen Wall feature. Just locate your desired device, select Screen Wall, and then follow the on-screen instructions to create personalized screen walls for enhanced device management.


You can also upgrade to a Professional or Enterprise plan then the following rights will thereafter be yours:
More login devices. Assign more devices to one account for one-click control.
Unlimited simultaneous sessions. One computer can control unlimited computers at the same time.
Connect in privacy modeIt will better protect your privacy by blackening the screen of the remote PC and disabling its keyboard & mouse.
High-speed file transfer. Transfer unlimited files at a higher speed of up to 10 MB/s.
Better device management. You can create device groups or more screen walls for better device management. 

Bonus tip: manage multiple remote desktop users via AnyViewer Role Permission Management

If your organization has multiple colleagues who need to use the remote desktop function, you can upgrade to the AnyViewer Enterprise plan. This will give you 30 sub-accounts, unattended remote access for 300 devices, unlimited simultaneous sessions, unlimited channels, unlimited screen walls, unlimited team devices deployment, mass deployment, grouped devices, and Role Permission Management.

With Role Permission Management, you can design roles in different user/device management permissions and controllable device permissions. Adding these roles to each AnyViewer user of your team so that they can view, create, edit, or delete user lists and device lists, or only control certain devices all according to the roles you created.

AnyViewer Role Permission Management

Closing words

In conclusion, Windows 10/11 Pro multiple RDP sessions are not inherently available. However, users can employ workaround methods like RDP Wrapper or modify the termsrv.dll file to enable Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop multiple users.

While these methods offer potential solutions, they may compromise system stability and security. Alternatively, users can explore AnyViewer, a remote desktop tool that facilitates multiple connections securely and with additional features. Ultimately, the choice between these options should prioritize individual user needs and concerns regarding system integrity and ease of use.