How to Use a Black and White Screen in Remote Access with AnyViewer

This article explores how to use a black and white screen in remote access, as well as describing the benefits such as reduced eyestrain and improved readability. The article provides the best options and a detailed guide to enabling this feature.


By Carolyn / Updated on July 4, 2024

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How do I change my display to black and white?

Remote access has changed the way we work in today's digital world. It allows us to control and manage our devices from anywhere, anytime, making remote work easier and more efficient. But did you know that you can customize the screen display to black and white when accessing remotely? One feature that can enhance the remote access experience is using a black and white screen mode. This mode can reduce bandwidth usage, increase performance, and make it easier to focus on essential details. This not only improves readability, but also reduces eyestrain.

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at how to use a black and white screen for remote access, as well as recommend the best option for you.

How to use a black and white screen in remote access with AnyViewer

When it comes to remote access solutions, AnyViewer stands out as the top choice. Why? It offers a user-friendly interface, robust security features, and unparalleled performance. AnyViewer’s ability to connect across different operating systems seamlessly makes it the go-to solution for businesses and individuals alike.

As the premier remote access software, AnyViewer excels at providing a black and white screen mode, ideal for users looking to optimize their remote sessions. This feature dramatically reduces bandwidth usage and improves performance by simplifying visualization, resulting in faster response times and a smoother user experience.With advanced encryption and two-factor authentication, AnyViewer provides a seamless, secure solution for remote access needs. Experience the efficiency and clarity of a black and white screen with AnyViewer, the best tool for your remote access needs.

Plus, its advanced features like file transfer, multi-session handling, and screen sharingmake it a comprehensive tool for all your remote access needs.

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Step 1. Open AnyViewer on both your local and remote devices. Click "Sign up" to create an AnyViewer account, then log in on both devices.

Step 2. On your local device, choose the remote computer you want to connect to. Enable unattended remote access by selecting the "One-click control" feature.

Step 3. Once the setup is complete, you can control the remote device using your mouse and keyboard. During the session, navigate to the top center toolbar. Click "Image" > "Image Quality" > "Ultra HD Mode" to achieve UHD connectivity.

Step 4. Adjust the settings by selecting "Image" > "Frame rate" > "Up to 60 FPS" for high-definition quality and smooth frame rates.

Step 5. Finally, go to "Image" > "Color Mode" > "Black and White" to display your screen in black and white using 4:0:0 chroma. With AnyViewer, you can now enjoy your remote access connection with optimal settings.

★Tips: A free AnyViewer account offers basic features. By upgrading to the Pro or Enterprise plan, you can enhance display quality and unlock advanced capabilities. To use Ultra HD mode and other display quality optimizations, or to access advanced remote control features, consider upgrading to the Professional or Enterprise plan to unlock these benefits.

Benefits of using a black and white screen in remote access

Using a black and white screen in remote access offers several benefits that can enhance the overall user experience and efficiency. Here are the key advantages:

  • Reduced Bandwidth Usage

A black and white screen minimizes the amount of data transmitted during a remote session. This is particularly beneficial for users with limited bandwidth or those experiencing unstable internet connections. The reduced data load can help maintain a more stable and consistent connection.

  • Improved Performance

By simplifying the visual information to grayscale, the remote access software can process and transmit data more efficiently. This leads to faster screen refresh rates, smoother interactions, and an overall more responsive experience during remote sessions.

  • Enhanced Focus

A monochrome display can help users concentrate on essential details by removing color distractions. This can be particularly useful for tasks that require attention to text and structure rather than visual elements, allowing for more precise and focused work.

  • Energy and Resource Savings

Displaying a black and white screen can be less demanding on the hardware, especially on devices with limited processing power and battery life. This can extend the usage time of mobile devices and reduce the strain on system resources.

  • Simplified Troubleshooting

For technical support and troubleshooting, a black and white screen can help highlight contrast and make it easier to identify issues with layout, text, and basic interface elements. This can speed up the process of diagnosing and resolving problems.

  • Accessibility

Some users may find a black and white screen more accessible, particularly those with color vision deficiencies. It can provide better readability and reduce eye strain for prolonged use, contributing to a more comfortable remote access experience.

  • Consistency Across Devices

A monochrome display ensures that the appearance of the remote interface remains consistent across different devices and display settings. This uniformity can help in maintaining a standardized view, making it easier to navigate and perform tasks regardless of the device being used.

Incorporating a black and white screen mode in remote access not only enhances performance and efficiency but also offers practical benefits for various users and scenarios. Whether dealing with bandwidth limitations, focusing on critical tasks, or simplifying troubleshooting, the monochrome display mode can significantly improve the remote access experience.


Learning how to use a black and white screen in remote access can significantly enhance your remote work experience. This feature reduces bandwidth usage, improves readability, and boosts productivity by minimizing visual distractions. With AnyViewer’s seamless connectivity, robust security, and advanced features, you can easily enable black and white mode and enjoy a smoother, more efficient remote session. Whether you’re using Windows, Windows Server, iOS, or Android, AnyViewer provides a user-friendly and secure solution for all your remote access needs. Experience the clarity and efficiency of a black and white screen with AnyViewer today.