Tutorial: Control UHD Monitor Remotely with AnyViewer

Looking to easily control UHD monitor remotely? It is recommended to use AnyViewer. Follow this straightforward tutorial for a step-by-step guide to managing a UHD monitor from a distance.


By Ellie / Updated on June 18, 2024

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Who needs to control UHD monitor remotely?

Ultra-high definition (UHD) monitors are becoming increasingly prevalent in the market, sparking a competitive race among brands to introduce the latest technological advancements. From expansive screens to curved displays and 3D capabilities, manufacturers continually innovate to enhance user experiences.

UHD Monitor

For remote support professionals, the proliferation of UHD monitors signifies an inevitable shift towards troubleshooting and assisting users with these high-resolution displays. As more consumers embrace UHD for its unparalleled image quality, support personnel will encounter scenarios where they must remotely connect to and troubleshoot issues on UHD monitors.

Furthermore, designers and architects who rely on UHD monitors may find themselves needing to remotely access their office computers for urgent tasks. Controlling UHD monitors remotely enables them to maintain productivity from any location, whether they are refining intricate designs, reviewing detailed architectural plans, or collaborating with teams in real time. This capability not only saves time but also ensures that critical decisions can be promptly executed without being bound to a specific physical workstation.

AnyViewer: Control UHD monitor remotely with ease

AnyViewer is a remote desktop application designed to facilitate access and control of computers and devices from any location. It's frequently utilized for remote assistance, collaborative projects, and home-based access to office computers. With its fast and secure connections, AnyViewer enables screen sharing, file transfers, and efficient collaboration.

Managing UHD monitors remotely is visually impressive but can pose certain challenges. AnyViewer simplifies the process of controlling UHD monitors remotely on Windows. No special configurations or adjustments are necessary. By following the steps provided, you can achieve optimal image quality when controlling a UHD monitor on remote desktop.

  • Set up & start a remote session with AnyViewer

Step 1. Begin by downloading and installing AnyViewer on both your local and remote devices. Create an AnyViewer account and log in on both machines.

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Step 2. On your local device, choose the remote machine you wish to access and enable unattended remote access by clicking "One-click control".


Step 3. Once the setup is finished, you'll be able to control the mouse and keyboard functions of the remote device.

  • Ensure the best image quality in AnyViewer

A free AnyViewer account provides access to basic features. Upgrade to a Professional or Enterprise plan for higher usage limits and additional advanced features.

During the remote session, navigate to the toolbar at the top center of the window. Select Image > Image quality > Ultra HD mode to enjoy ultra-high-definition display details.

Ultra HD Mode

Next, go to Image > Frame rate > Up to 60FPS to maintain the same high-definition quality with a smooth frame rate.

Up to 60FPS

Finally, choose Image > Color mode > True color to use 4:4:4 chroma sampling, ensuring accurate color display without any loss.

True Color

The bottom line

Controlling a UHD monitor remotely is made simple and efficient with AnyViewer. This tutorial has provided a clear, step-by-step guide to help you set up and optimize your remote sessions. Whether you are a remote support professional, designer, or architect, AnyViewer ensures you can manage UHD displays with high-quality image fidelity from any location.

As you're likely aware, AnyViewer is built to manage a wide range of operating systems and devices, and this compatibility will expand over time. Regardless of future monitor capabilities, AnyViewer will stay up-to-date.