Tutorial: How to Enable Remote Desktop Software Privacy Mode

This post mainly introduces how to enable remote desktop software Privacy Mode. If you want to disable the remote display and block the remote mouse and keyboard, keep reading.


By Ellie / Updated on May 14, 2024

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How do I enable Privacy Mode in remote desktop software?

“I followed the instructions on the remote side to enable remote desktop software Privacy Mode, but once I connect from the client, privacy mode is disabled. What can I do?”

Remote desktop software privacy mode is a feature that allows you to hide the contents of a session by disabling the remote display and prevent someone else from interrupting the remote session by blocking the remote mouse and keyboard input.

Some users need to learn how to enable Privacy Mode on remote desktop software correctly. Don't worry. This post will walk you through the detailed steps.

How to enable remote desktop software Privacy Mode

Follow the steps below to learn how to enable Privacy Mode on remote desktop software.

Step 1. Privacy Mode can only be used when unattended access is enabled. So go to Settings > Security, and tick Enable unattended access. Make sure Enable privacy mode is also ticked.

Step 2. Set your password for unattended access.

Step 3. When you now connect to your device via Unattended Access, the screen on the remote side will stay black, and the mouse and keyboard are blocked.

Step 4. If you go to the Permission button, you’ll see that Enable privacy mode is ticked.

Step 5. If remote desktop software Privacy Mode on remote screen deactivated on the remote client, you’ll see “Enable privacy mode” greyed out.

Bonus tip: Best remote desktop software Privacy Mode alternative

Let’s take a quick look at the limitations of remote desktop software Privacy Mode:

  • Not fully compatible with Windows. For Windows users, the remote desktop software Privacy Mode feature is available for Windows 8.1+, which means Windows 7 users are not allowed to use this feature.
  • Inflexible price plan. If you need to use the Privacy Mode feature, you’ll need to get at least a Solo plan, which charges $10.9 per month and only bills annually.
  • Not cost-effective. The Solo plan you get for the Privacy Mode feature only supports 3 login devices and 1 outgoing connection.

And these are why you need a remote desktop software alternative with Privacy Mode. What is the best remote desktop software Privacy Mode alternative? We highly recommend the remote access software AnyViewer. Let’s see its advantages over remote desktop software Privacy Mode.

  • AnyVieweris fully compatible with Windows 7+ and Windows Server 2012 R2+.
  • Both AnyViewer pricing plans can be paid monthly. Besides, getting the Professional plan for Privacy Mode only costs $9.9 a month.
  • The Professional plan offers users more features like 10 assigned devices and 5 simultaneous sessions.
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Step 1. On both computers, download, install, and launch AnyViewer. Go to Log in on the Controller computer, and then click Sign up (if you have already signed up on its official website, you can log in directly).

Log in AnyViewer

Step 2. Fill out the signup form.

Sign Up for AnyViewer

Step 3. You should now see that you have successfully logged into AnyViewer. Your device will be assigned to the account to which you have logged in automatically.

Free Editions

Step 4. Sign in with the same AnyViewer account on both computers, then click the One-click control for unattended remote access. Tick Connect in privacy mode on the bottom if you have upgraded your account.

Connect to My Devices

It is recommended to upgrade your account to a Professional or Enterprise plan. What can a professional or enterprise plan brings to you:
More devices will be allowed to assign to the same account for unattended access.
More connection channels for more devices to be able to start remote connection at the same time.
One device can connect to more devices simultaneously.
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This post primarily introduces how to enable and use remote desktop software Privacy Mode. But you should note that there are many restrictions if you want to use Privacy Mode on remote desktop software. So we recommend the best remote desktop software Privacy Mode alternative. AnyViewer has fewer restrictions on Privacy Mode and is cheaper than remote desktop software. Download it and get started right now.