How to Lock AnyViewer Interface [Step-by-Step Guide]
If you plan to take a break from your machine or let others use your machine for a while, you can follow the steps given below to lock AnyViewer program for preventing its settings from being changed by others.
Note: After you lock the AnyViewer screen, your remote session won't be affected.
Run AnyViewer. Click "Menu"-->"Lock AnyViewer" to lock the AnyViewer screen.
Then, the program will be locked. To use it again, you need to input the AnyViewer account password to unlock the interface.
And you can go to Settings > Security to set up AnyViewer to lock automatically on specific scenarios. By default, the two options are disabled. You can enable the first option and adjust the time interval; then AnyViewer will be locked after you closed the program (minimized to the tray) after the time you have set. You can enable the second option and AnyViewer will be locked once you locked your local computer.