Why Choose AnyViewer?

  • Secure

    AnyViewer is secured by Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption.

  • Fast

    AnyViewer ensures you fast remote access to other computers without lag.

  • Easy

    AnyViewer has a simple and intuitive interface, ensuring you an easy remote access process.

  • Stable

    AnyViewer provides you with stable remote access without sudden breakdown.

Customer Reviews

Mike S

AnyViewer is really easy to use. I've used several other programs before and this one is by far the best. Logging in is fast. I've been using it for several years and I have no complaints. I never have any issues with connecting remotely.

Lori B

I have tested a lot of paid and free remote access software. AnyViewer is simply the best. I have not found any other software which would have these three qualities: high quality, reliability, and free. AnyViewer is the only one, in my opinion, that offers the three.

Sumedh S

AnyViewer is free and easy to use. It takes about 5 minutes to set it up on the host computer and even the most computer illiterate have been able to understand and get it working. I love that it also has a security code that I get to create which allows me to achieve remote access without anyone’s permission.

Karl T

There are times when you are away from home, and you need something urgently that is unfortunately, saved on your laptop or desktop. And the desktop or laptop are at home! At such times, this app proves to be very useful. You can browse your entire laptop right from your computer!

Marat W

I have got to say this is my favorite as far as remote access goes. It is super user friendly and easy to adapt to it. Although it takes some setup steps, its setup process is much easier that any other software.

Fahad K

We have used it to allow our team to get access back to our main office network. This was much more versatile, secure, and faster than using a VPN to access files and programs directly. We were able to have users work from home and simply remote into their workstations at their desks and work as usual.