
Stepwise Tutorial: Install RSAT Windows 10 PowerShell & GUI

This post introduces how to install RSAT Windows 10 PowerShell/GUI. You are going to the right place if you want to install Remote Server Administration Tools on your Windows computer. Read on to learn more!

By @Hester Last Updated December 13, 2024

Scenario: How do I manually Install RSAT on Windows 10?


Hello all, I need your help to figure out how to install RSAT tools on Windows 10. My colleague said he used PowerShell to do that. How can I install RSAT Windows PowerShell or other available methods? Please help. Thank you.”

- Question from Windows Forum

 What is RSAT?

Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) have been available since Windows Vista was released and have replaced the previous Administrative Tools pack (Adminpak), allowing users to operate servers remotely, which is a great security practice.

RSAT provides a number of tools, including Remote Desktop Services Tools, Group Policy Management Tools, Active Directory Certificate Services, etc. Microsoft offers these tools for free, however, only the Pro and Enterprise operating systems support RSAT.

How to install RSAT Windows 10 PowerShell & GUI

While the tools have been around for a long, the installation method has altered many times. RSAT installation depends on the Windows version you're using. In this part, we'll talk about how to install RSAT tools for Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise or later.

Way 1. Install RSAT with PowerShell

Here is how to install RSAT Windows 10 PowerShell.

Step 1. Right click Start and click Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Step 2. Type in the following command and press Enter.

  • Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State

As you can see, this device already has a few RSAT features installed.

Step 3. To install the RSAT feature, enter the following command, and replace "Tool.Name" with the name of the feature you want to install.

  • Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "Tool.Name"

For example, if you want to install Remote Desktop Service Tools, you would run this command:

  • Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "Rsat.RemoteDesktop.Services.Tools~~~~"

If you got no time to install RSAT tools one by one, enter the following command to install them at once:

  • Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online

Way 2. Install RSAT using the GUI

If you prefer to use the GUI to install RSAT on Windows 10, follow the following steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Settings > Apps > Optional features.

Step 2. Click Add a feature tab at the top.

Step 3. Type “RSAT” in the search box, tick the tools you want to install, and click Install.

How to install RSAT Tools on Windows 11

You can Install RSAT tools on Windows 11 with the following steps:

Navigate to: Settings > Apps > Optional Features > Add an optional feature (View features). Enter "RSAT" in the search bar and select the features to install.

You can also install RSAT via PowerShell on Windows 11 using the command "Add-WindowsCapability –online –Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~"

AnyViewer: Access remote server from anywhere without RSAT

If you are going to install RSAT tools to manage your device remotely, here we recommend you use the professional remote desktop software AnyViewer to do this job with simple steps.

AnyViewer is designed for Windows PCs and Windows Server, with it, you can achieve one-click unattended remote access, file transfer, and multiple sessions, etc., which is more convenient for you to enhance your work life and easily offer remote support to your customers, friends, family or others in need.

Besides, AnyViewer offers several built-in options in a remote session to improve your work efficiency. For example, you can chat, change the resolution, choose image quality, etc.

Down AnyViewer and follow the next steps to perform one-click control.

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Step 1. Launch AnyViewer on host computer, go to Log in, and click Sign up.

Tips: AnyViewer also supports iOS and Android devices, which means you can remotely access Windows computer from iPhone, Android phone or tablets.

Step 2. Fill the information and click Sign up.

Step 3. Launch AnyViewer on client computer, log in to the same account, and here you can see the assigned devices.

Step 4. Go to Device, select the computer you want to remote into, and click One-click control.

When you established the connection, there are a lot of built-in operations from the toolbar.

Notes:✎... You can also upgrade to a Professional or Enterprise plan then the following rights will thereafter be yours:
Assign more devices.
More concurrent connection channels for an Enterprise plan.
More simultaneous sessions.
Connect in privacy mode to strongly protect your privacy.
High-quality image.


This post introduces how to install RSAT Windows 10 PowerShell/GUI. Remote Server Administration Tools are a great method to alleviate server usage congestion and manage your remote server. However, it requires manual installation before operation. If you are looking for other convenient tools, try AnyViewer.