
How to Enable Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop Multiple Users

This post mainly introduces how to enable Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop multiple users at the same time. Besides, it offers another remote desktop software to allow users initial multiple remote connections to one computer easily.

By @Ellie Last Updated December 13, 2024

How do I allow multiple users to use Remote Desktop?


Normally, Windows 8.1 only supports a single remote connection. I wonder how to enable multiple users Remote Desktop in Windows 8.1? We’d like to do this just like we have on Windows Server 2003.”

- Question from SeverForum

Users running Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise editions (the Home edition is incompatible) can set up the Remote Desktop Connections via RDP. However, in Windows 8.1, only one simultaneous incoming RDP connection is supported. When you attempt to log into two or more accounts on the same Windows 8.1 machine at the same time, you will receive the following notification:

Confirm Dual Connections

If in some cases you may want the ability to login concurrently, what can you do? Actually, using a special patch to replace the termsrv.dll system file can alter the RDP setting to literally allow unlimited concurrent user access through Remote Desktop Connection. Let’s take a look at how to enable Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop multiple users.

How to enable Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop multiple users

Here in this part, we’ll introduce how to connect multiple users to Remote Desktop Windows 8.1 using a special patch.

Using this patch breaks the licensing agreement and the terms of use for Microsoft products. Perform all the operations described below at your own risk.
You are advised to only use this method in a test environment. If you want to achieve concurrent connections in a production environment, please purchase RDS CAL.

Step 1. Download the zipped patch file that includes both the original and patched versions of the termsrv.dll file for Windows 8.1.

Step 2. Press Win + R, and then type in “services.msc” to open the Services management console. Find Remote Desktop Services in the list and right-click it to stop it.

Stop Remote Desktop Services

Step 3. Run Command Prompt as administrator, back up the original termsrv.dll using the following command in case something goes wrong:

copy c:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll termsrv.dll_old

Backup Original Termsrv_dll

Step 4. Change the values of the following keys in HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server:

  • fDenyTSConnections (DWORD) — 0
  • fSingleSessionPerUser (DWORD) — 0

Multiple Users Registry

You can also do it quickly by entering the following two command lines in the Command Prompt:

  • REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  • REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fSingleSessionPerUser /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Step 5. Then go to C:\Windows\System32, find the file termsrv.dll, and right-click to open its Properties.

Step 6. By default, the owner of this file is TrustedInstaller and even the administrator doesn’t have any right to replace it. You need to give full control of this file to the administrator. Click Change.

Step 7. Go to the Security tab and click Edit. Find the local administrators group and give it full control over this file and save the changes.

Step 8. Copy termsrv.dll from the archive downloaded in Step 1 for your Windows 8.1 to %SystemRoot%\System32\ (with replacement).

Step 9. Open the Services management console again and start the Remote Desktop Services.  Then you’re able to create two RDP sessions with the patched computer from different accounts.

Enable multiple users to a remote desktop on Windows 8.1 [easiest]

To enable multiple users to a remote desktop on Windows 8.1 isn’t necessary to be so complicated. You can use a third-party remote desktop tool that allows multiple remote connections to one computer at the same time. AnyViewer provides you with an easier way to do so.

Compatibility. It supports multiple Windows systems, including Windows 8.1,  Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server.
Convenience. You can achieve unattended remote connections to a remote computer with one click.
Security. It is secured by Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption, protecting your data from leakage during remote sessions.
Fast & stable connection. It is developed by a strong technical team, providing you fast and stable remote connection with high image quality.
Download Freeware Win 11/10/8.1/8/7
Secure Download

Step 1. Download, install, and launch AnyViewer on Windows 8.1 computers. Sign up for an AnyViewer account. (If you already have signed up on its official website, you can log in directly.)

Step 2. Then you can see you successfully logged in to AnyViewer. Your device will automatically be assigned to the account you’ve logged in to. 

Step 3. Access the same AnyViewer account on multiple devices. You will then see a list of all the devices that have been logged into the same account. By selecting One-click control, any two of the three devices can start a remote connection to a third device at the same time.

Notes: Upgrade to AnyViewer Enterprise plan to initiate Unlimited concurrent connections and more advanced features:
Faster and larger file transfer: Transfer speed for a free account is 500 KB/s, and for a paid account is up to 10 MB/s.
100 login devices: More devices can be assigned to the same account for unattended remote access.
300 currently connected devices: More Currently connected devices are displayed for management.
Privacy mode: Connect in privacy mode to protect privacy.
Unlimited screen walls: Create all your team devices to different screen walls for real-time monitoring all devices.

Bonus tip: Manage multiple remote desktop users on Windows 8.1

Since multiple users will remotely access the same computer, AnyViewer offers Role Permission Management to help you only allow certain users to access different remote team devices. You can choose permissions like view, edit, delete device/user management, and controllable device groups. Just set these roles to all your team members and only the users without your entrance permissions can access different team devices.


This post primarily introduces how to patch the termsrv.dll system file to enable Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop multiple users at the same time. But this is a break of the rules of Microsoft. Therefore, we provide you with a safer and also an easier way to achieve concurrent connections, which is using AnyViewer.