
[Explained] What Protocol Must Be Supported by Routers in Order to Utilize Remote Assistance Easy Connect?

Do you know what protocol must be supported by routers in order to utilize Remote Assistance Easy Connect? If you don’t, read this post to get the answer.

By @Ellie Last Updated December 13, 2024

What protocol must be supported by routers to use RA easy connect?

“My friends and I have Windows 7. I would like to help him with the Remote Assistance and when I click "Use Easy Connect", I get the message: "Easy Connect is not available " I suppose the problem is the ports blocked by my router ( Dlink DI-624) or the protocol doesn’t be supported by my routers. I want to ask what protocol does Microsoft Remote Assistance Easy Connect use? Thanks !”

Actually, the router must support the Peer Name Resolution Protocol if you are in an attempt to use Remote Assistance Easy Connect. If the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service is set Disabled or you don’t open the TCP port 3389, then the Remote Assistance Easy Connect will be not available, or it will turn to gray out.

How to enable Peer Name Resolution Protocol and TCP port 3389

We know that the Microsoft Remote Assistance Easy Connect protocol is Peer Name Resolution Protocol. If the TCP port 3389 is not being opened and the protocol is set to Disabled, remote assistance can't be completed. Here in this part let’s learn how to enable Peer Name Resolution Protocol and TCP port 3389 so that we can use Remote Assistance Easy Connect smoothly.

▣ Enable Peer Name Resolution Protocol

Step 1. Press Win + R and then enter “services.msc” in the box, hit "OK".

Step 2. Scroll down and locate “Peer Name Resolution Protocol”.

Step 3. Double-click on “Peer Name Resolution Protocol”, and then select “Start” under the service status.

Step 4. Click on "OK" and reboot the PC.

▣ Enable TCP port 3389

Step 1. Press Win + R and then type in “regedit” to open the Registry Editor.

Step 2. Navigate here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server > WinStations > RDP-Tcp. On the right pane, find and click PortNmuber.

Step 3. Make sure PortNmuber is set to 3389 on a Decimal base as the Value data. Then close the Registry Editor and reboot the computer to make changes effective.

Easy & stable remote support software - AnyViewer

Until now you must know what protocol must be supported by routers in order to utilize Remote Assistance Easy Connect. However, although we can give support or get assistance with Windows built-in feature Remote Assistance, we have to admit that there are some limitations to it. We can’t use Remote Assistance on Windows 10 Home edition, and it doesn’t support unattended access.

To avoid those shortcomings, we recommended a more professional and easy-operated remote access software - AnyViewer. With AnyViewer, you can easily get remote assistance no matter for attended access or unattended access. And you can offer help with your iPhone and Android, which is fairly simple.

☞ Note:  Make sure the supported ports are allowed through Firewall. AnyViewer uses UDP/TCP intelligent switching modes; its UPD port is 30196, and its TCP ports are 30192 and 30193. If the to-be-assisted PC has set strict filtering rules, you may need to open UDP 30196 and TCP 30192. 

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Step 1. Install AnyViewer on two PCs. Sign up and fill in the information to create an AnyViewer account. Once logged in, the PC will be assigned to the account automatically. 

Step 2. After logging in, you can see your interface in the following picture. 

Step 3. Go to the “Connect” tab, and then you can see the device ID. Ask your friends or family member to tell you the device ID of the host PC.

Step 4. Enter the device ID of the remote PC and then click on “Connect”.

Step 5. For the 2 options, choose the first one “Send a control request to your partner”, and then click on “OK”.

Step 6. There will be a pop-up window on the host PC. Click on “Allow” to receive remote support. And then the connection will be realized.

✎ Note: Are you looking for how to offer Remote Assistance without permission? Actually, it’s kind of easy. Log into the AnyViewer account on the host PC, and then go to "Device" on the local PC, locate and click the PC that you need to control. And then click "One-click control" to achieve a remote connection with one click


What protocol must be supported by routers in order to utilize remote assistance Easy Connect? From this post, we know the answer is Peer Name Resolution Protocol. At the same time, if the port hasn’t been opened, Easy Connect in Remote Assistance will not work. So, we explain the ways of enabling them. Of course, if you are looking into professional software for remote assistance, AnyViewer can be a good choice for you.